to my website. I am a Consultant Ophthalmologist working in Bristol, based
at the Bristol Eye Hospital where I treat NHS patients and at The Nuffield
Hospital Clifton, Bristol where I treat private patients.
I specialise in retinal surgery and cataract surgery.
The terminology around eye professionals can be confusing so here is a
brief explanation:-
- An ‘ophthalmologist’ is also often referred to as an ‘ophthalmic
surgeon’ and is a medically trained doctor that specialises in surgery
or the medical treatment of the eyes
- Ophthalmic surgeons who operate on the retina are known as
‘Vitreoretinal surgeons’ (often abbreviated to VR surgeons) because
performing operations on the retina often involves removal of the
vitreous humour of the eye which is the clear gel that fills the back of
the eye and sits in close contact with the light sensitive retina (which
acts like a film in a camera).
- Vitreoretinal surgeons are trained to examine and treat the retina
with a variety of surgical techniques including laser treatment,
cryotherapy, scleral buckles and vitrectomy surgery with gas or silicone
oil. Vitreoretinal surgeons also become used to dealing with complex
conditions that sometimes affect the eyes such as diabetes, trauma or
complications of cataract surgery. They are also very experienced
cataract surgeons as they are used to dealing with complicated
situations that sometimes arise during cataract surgery.
- I am a Consultant Vitreoretinal Surgeon. My CV is